Water Stop Groups
Here is a list of Water Stop groups that we donate funds/marketing to for their support of this extravaganza: Be sure to thank them as you go by.
*All Water Stops will have a porto pot near it
2025 Water Stops presented by Reimer Heating & Cooling:
- Rochester Speed Skating - WS1 - Mile 2ish
- Irondequoit Football - WS2 - Mile 4ish
- Black Girls Do Bike/Rochester Chapter - WS3 - Mile 6 ish - this stop will also have XACT Chews for nutrition
- Canandaigua Academy Girls Soccer Sports Booster - WS4 - Mile 8ish
- Cancer Support Community - WS5 - Mile 10ish
- St Ambrose School - WS 6 - Mile 11ish
- School of the Arts XC Team - WS 7 - Last Chance Water Stop (12ish)
Plus, Harley Allendale Columbia XC Team with their Cheer Section
Thank you XACT Nutrition, the Official Drink & Fruit Bar of the Flower City Challenge. You will find their hydration and fruit bar energy chews at select water stops to keep you fueled.